Future of Finance

Future Finance

API-first. Embedded. Decentralised. It's never been easier to buy, sell, transfer and invest, as ever more of the financial services sector moves online. Smart companies are re-imagining the services and underlying infrastructure that power financial systems and redefine how money flows. We’re witnessing agile thinkers impressively tackle an ever-changing, ever-evolving Future Finance landscape.

Spotlighted Content and Partnerships

  • Klarna
    Sebastian Siemiatkowski, Niklas Adalberth and Victor Jacobsson

    Klarna makes online shopping simple by offering direct payments, pay after delivery options and installment plans in a smooth one-click purchase experience. Smoooth.

    Read story
  • Stripe
    Patrick Collison & John Collison

    Stripe mission is to increase the GDP of the internet. Stripe is a technology company that builds economic infrastructure for the internet. Businesses of every size – from new startups to public companies – use Stripe’s software to accept payments and manage their businesses online.

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Thematic Partnerships

  • Light founders
    Light logoLight logo
  • SheeldMarket Founders
    Aplo logoAplo logo
  • Starkware founders Eli Ben Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Uri Kolodny and Michael Riabzev
    StarkWare Industries logoStarkWare Industries logo
  • Habito founder Daniel Hegarty
    Habito logoHabito logo
  • Lendinvest founders Ian Thomas and Christian Faes
    LendInvest logoLendInvest logo
  • Patrick and John Collison
    Stripe logoStripe logo
  • Founders of Klarna, from left to right, Victor Jacobsson, Niklas Adalberth, Sebastian Siemiatkowski
    Klarna logoKlarna logo
  • iBoxChain logoiBoxChain logo

Our other areas of interest
