Founded by Klaus Melakari, Niko Eiden, Urho Konttori and Roope Rainisto


Varjo makes industrial-grade VR / XR headsets that allows professionals, in industries from aerospace to architecture, to work in human eye-resolution virtual or mixed reality, for example when designing new products, buildings, simulation and training. 

The four co-founders of Varjo

When we met the team of veterans behind Varjo, we were impressed by their vision to transform work in compex and design-driven industries by allowing people to see in human-eye resolution with zero lag in VR and XR. When we put on the headset, we were blown away. Here was the future of industrial design and simulation. We needed to partner with these game-changers.

Varjo headset with Mixed Reality — XR — add on (headset available late Q4 2018, XR add-on available first half of 2019)

The product will be an industrial-grade VR / XR headset that allows professionals, in industries from aerospace to architecture, to work in human eye-resolution virtual or mixed reality, for example when designing new products, buildings, simulation and training. The headset can be integrated with the world’s most popular 3D engines and software tools.

Varjo is already collaborating with industry leaders such as Airbus, Audi, Lilium, Saab, Sellen, Volkswagen and Volvo to optimize the headset for their respective business sectors and needs.

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