Founded by Samuel Mueller, Christian Floerkemeier and Christof Roduner


Scandit turns any smartphone into a data capture device with barcode scanning, text and object recognition. As a leader in Automatic ID and data capture (AIDC) technology, Scandit helps lower the cost of the supply chain while enabling new cutting edge use cases to be developed.

The supply chain is one of the last core functions of business to be disrupted by technology. In many sectors, today’s supply chain is no different to the supply chain used by Henry Ford, with people still using pen and paper to manually record inventory, and telephone calls to manage relationships with suppliers. The supply chain has also been poorly served by legacy players and handheld barcode scanners that are slow, unreliable and can cost five times more than software compatible with off-the-shelf smartphone technology.

With the advent of the on-demand economy and increased levels of competitiveness, the time is ripe for supply chain disruption, and Scandit is leading the way.

Scandit turns any smartphone into a data capture device with barcode scanning, text and object recognition. As a leader in Automatic ID and data capture (AIDC) technology, Scandit helps lower the cost of the supply chain while enabling new cutting edge use cases to be developed.

Founded in 2009 by Samuel Mueller, Christian Floerkemeier and Christof Roduner, Scandit fuses mobile and computer vision technology to help complete critical processes in complex and global supply chains, whilst capturing unique data to improve productivity and lower costs. The company was born at ETH Zurich, one of Europe’s tech research powerhouses. Scandit’s expertise in object and text recognition and augmented reality will help spur the creation of new supply chain solutions, from hands-free inventory management using digital eyewear, to drones flying through warehouses updating inventory as they pass through each aisle. It’s no surprise that over 400 companies have already chosen Scandit’s software to speed up the way a product develops and moves from manufacturer to customer, including Home Depot, Macy’s, Shell and GE Healthcare.

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