Founded by Ari Mir and Brian Thomas


Clutter is an end-to-end storage company which takes the pain out of cataloguing, packing, storing, and returning your items. 

Clutter founders Ari Mir and Brian Thomas

As urbanisation increases and rents rise accordingly, more needs to fit into less available space. According to the United Nations , 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a proportion that is expected to increase to 66 per cent by 2050. Projections show that urbanization combined with the overall growth of the world’s population could add another 2.5 billion people to urban populations by 2050. A estimates that the average U.S. household contains 300,000 items, while one in nine Americans store; collectively spending $30b a year on storage. What to do with the often-cherished but frequently-underused possessions stuffing cupboards, filling up drawers, and blocking hallways is a niggling question for anyone with a home or apartment? This mismatch between our desire to accumulate and our capacity to store has created a $30bn market for storage in the US alone. However, not everyone wants to defer to Marie Kondo, and many more don’t want to spend their weekends grappling with traditional storage companies, which suffer from ceaseless bureaucracy and sloppy logistics. This is where Clutter steps in.

Clutter is an end-to-end storage company which takes the pain out of cataloguing, packing, storing, and returning your items. Founded by Brian Thomas and Ari Mir, and headquartered in LA, Clutter is expanding quickly across the United States. Clutter’s solution is on-demand, taking on the incumbents by providing a better service at a competitive price. Clutter’s prowess in logistics and software has delighted consumers, and outflanked traditional storage companies whose specialism has never extended beyond buying space cheaply. By rethinking what consumers really want from a storage company, Clutter has marked itself out as the leading start-up in an exciting space. With Clutter people have their belongings picked up on-demand and stored away, while still having them accessible whenever they want via their smart phone. The service not only provides immediate convenience for customers, it also provides a much more efficient utilization of storage.

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